大部分人似乎要么以为它是法国菜,要么以为是英国菜,毕竟炸薯条在英文里叫 French fries,而英国的饮食文化基本被炸鱼薯条这道菜代言了。其实炸薯条应该算是比利时菜,并且是他们的国菜。
比利时人即使讲英语的时候也不会把薯条称为 French fries,而是直接说 fries
Fries are somewhat the national dish of Belgium. You\'ll never hear a Belgian call them “french fries”, not even when speaking in English. There’s a lot of controversy around who invented fried potatoes, but I promise you – Belgians perfected them. Once you eat fries in Belgium, they’ll never taste as good anywhere else. The secret to the perfect Belgian fry is two-fold. First, the potato itself must be a soft variety, but, most importantly, the freshly cut potatoes must be fried twice: First at a lower temperature to cook the inside to a soft, fluffy consistency; and second, quickly at a higher temperature to cook the outside to crispy perfection.从某种程度上来说,薯条算是比利时的国菜了。你永远不会听到比利时人称它为“法式薯条”,就算是讲英语也不会这样称呼它。至于谁发明了炸薯条,一直有很多争议,但我确定,是比利时人改良了它。你一旦吃过比利时的薯条,其他地方的薯条吃起来都不会像它一样美味了。比利时炸薯条如此美味的原因有两个。首先,马铃薯本身必须是软一些的品种,且最重要的是,新切的马铃薯必须炸两次:先在较低温度下把薯条内里炸至柔软蓬松;然后,在较高的温度下快速地再炸一遍,使其表皮酥脆。
2 炸薯条最经典的吃法:贻贝加薯条
比利时美食中最经典、最典型的一道菜就是贻贝加薯条 mussels with fries
Mussels with fries, is a classic Belgian dish you can find at just about any café or brasserie in Brussels. It\'s one of the foods to eat in Belgium. The most common way mussels are served in Belgium is steamed in white wine, in big black mussel pots. In addition to wine, moules marinières also contain shallots, parsley, and butter. Other cooking methods include cream, beer, or even mustard sauce.贻贝加薯条是比利时的经典菜式,几乎在布鲁塞尔的各个咖啡馆或小酒馆都可以找到这道菜。 这是在比利时要尝一下的菜式之一。在比利时,贻贝最常见的吃法是把它放在一个黑色的大贻贝罐中,加入白葡萄酒,然后把它蒸熟。除葡萄酒之外,白葡萄酒蒸贻贝这道菜里还可以加点香葱、欧芹和黄油。贻贝的其他做法还包括加入奶油、啤酒,甚至芥末酱来进行烹饪。
3 炸薯条的另一个绝配:绿汁鳗鱼
绿汁鳗鱼是一道比较高档的比利时菜,英文叫 eels in green sauce或者 eels in the green
Eel in the green is exactly what it sounds like: eel prepared in a highly green sauce which is colored that way because of the many green herbs that go into it, such as parsley, watercress, and basil. The herbs are added last minute to have them retain their color and the dish is commonly served with, of course, fries. It\'s more of a flemish dish than a Belgian food. Fishermen used to catch the eel in the river Schelde, close to Antwerp, and then prepare them with whatever herbs they found along the shore. Now often served in the more classy bistro, it has a very humble origin.绿汁鳗鱼真的是名副其实:这道菜是用深绿色的酱汁烹饪鳗鱼,因为酱汁中加入了许多绿色的香草,如欧芹、西洋菜和罗勒,所以这道菜呈绿色。在最后一分钟加入香草以使其保留原色,当然,这道菜通常是与炸薯条一起食用的。与其说它是比利时菜,不如说它更像弗拉芒菜。渔民过去常常在安特卫普附近的舍尔德河中捕捞鳗鱼,然后在沿岸采集香草,并用采到的香草烹饪鳗鱼。虽然现在往往高档一点的小酒馆才会供应这道菜,但它的起源其实很普通。
4 奥黛丽·赫本来自比利时
绝世偶像奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 通常被介绍为“英国演员”,因为她的国籍是英国。
5 蓝精灵、丁丁都是比利时的
闻名全球的卡通形象蓝精灵 The Smurfs 是来自比利时的。
丁丁历险记 The Adventures of Tintin 也是比利时创造的著名形象。
6 拿破仑战败的滑铁卢也在比利时
拿破仑战败的地点滑铁卢 Waterloo 是比利时的一座小城市,就在布鲁塞尔南方不远。
7 比利时是个王国,而且建国时间并不长
比利时现在的正式名称是比利时王国 Kingdom of Belgium
现任国王飞利浦King Philippe和妻儿
比利时现在同时拥有两位国王,因为现任国王的父亲虽然退位了,但头衔依然是国王 King
8 比利时有3个官方语言,没有比利时语
讲荷兰语的弗拉芒人 Flemish 占人口的58%,主要居住在比利时北部一半的弗拉芒大区。
讲法语的瓦隆人 Walloons 占41%,主要居住在南部一半的瓦隆大区。
然后还有德国裔 Germans 讲德语,只占1%,比利时仅有东部和德国接壤的小部分地区是德语区。
9 欧洲的心脏
比利时的首都布鲁塞尔 Brussels 被称为欧洲的心脏,欧盟的总部就在布鲁塞尔。
布鲁塞尔的地标——大广场 Grand Place。图片来源:图虫创意
Together with Washington D.C., Brussels has the highest number of diplomats and foreign press correspondents in the world. Since the end of the Second World War, it has been a major centre for international politics and the home of numerous international organisations, politicians, diplomats and civil servants. Brussels is the de facto capital of the European Union, as it hosts a number of principal EU institutions, including its administrative-legislative, executive-political, and legislative branches (though the judicial branch is located in Luxembourg, and the European Parliament meets for a minority of the year in Strasbourg) and its name is sometimes used metonymically to describe the EU and its institutions.布鲁塞尔和华盛顿一样,聚集了世界上最多的外交官和外国媒体记者。自二战结束以来,布鲁塞尔就一直是国际政治的中心,也是众多国际组织、政客、外交官和公务员的常驻地。欧盟的首都其实是布鲁塞尔,因为欧盟的许多重要机构都在布鲁塞尔,其中包括欧盟行政管理、执政和立法机构(尽管欧盟的司法部门位于卢森堡,而欧洲议会偶尔在斯特拉斯堡召开会议)。有时候,布鲁塞尔还被用来代指欧盟及其机构。
10 比利时男人全球第二高
Belgian men are the second tallest in the world. With a height of 181.7cm, only Dutchmen are taller at 182.5cm. The same can’t be said for Belgian women, however, who rank 21 at 165.5cm tall.比利时男性的身高在全球排名第二,其(平均)身高为181.7厘米,仅次于荷兰男性(182.5厘米)。不过,比利时女性就没有那么高了,其(平均)身高为165.5厘米,在全球排名第21位。
11 音乐节超级多
其中最出名的是“明日世界音乐界” Tomorrowland
Tomorrowland is the world\'s largest Electronic Dance Music festival and Belgium is a real festival country. Belgium is the land of music festivals. There is no other country in Europe with as many street and music festivals all year round as Belgium. From spring until late summer you can attend a music festival every weekend and even more than one in July and August. Especially Flanders is a bit festival crazy, with even the smallest towns organizing their own festival.“明日世界”电子音乐节是世界上最大的电子舞曲音乐节,而比利时是一个乐于举办节日庆祝活动的国家。比利时是音乐节之乡。比利时每年举办的街头音乐节比欧洲其他国家都要多。从春季到夏末,每个周末你都可以参加音乐节,而且七月和八月的周末甚至还不止一场音乐节。佛兰德斯人特别喜欢音乐节,甚至最小的城镇都会举办它们自己的音乐节。
12 水疗spa源自比利时
现在流行到全球的水疗 spa也是源于比利时的,它的这个名字其实就是它的发源地斯帕市 Spa
1895年的斯帕市。图片来源:Library of Congress
The word “spa”, that\'s being used to talk about places to relax and get wellness treatments, comes from the Belgian city Spa. And Spa had the first casino in Europe.“Spa”一词源于比利时城市斯帕,它指的是人们放松并进行健康护理的场所,而且欧洲第一家赌场就在斯帕。
13 哈尔滨啤酒是比利时的
全球最大的啤酒企业百威英博 Anheuser-Busch 就是比利时的公司,我们熟悉的百威、时代、科罗娜、贝克都是百威英博的品牌。
The world\'s first beer academy opened in Herk-de-Stad, in the province of Limburg, in 1999. Aside from waffles, the most famous Belgian “foods” are probably beer and chocolate. While lots of the bigger beers can be had all over Belgium, in origin, Belgian beers are still very much connected to their region of origin. Anheuser-Busch, the largest beer brewer in the world, is also located in Belgium, to be precise, in Leuven.1999年在林堡省赫克德斯塔德地区开设了世界上第一家啤酒学院。除华夫饼之外,比利时最有名的“美食”可能就是啤酒和巧克力了。比利时各地都有备受欢迎的啤酒品牌,而且比利时啤酒最初与其原产地的联系十分密切。全球最大的啤酒酿造商百威英博就在比利时,确切地说,该公司在鲁汶地区。
14 世界上最长的酒吧街
全球最长的酒吧街“老市场” Oude Markt就在比利时,它就在百威英博总部所在的鲁汶地区 Leuven
老市场酒吧街。图片来源:facebook@Oude Markt Leuven
15 著名的啤酒炖牛肉
比利时人不光爱喝啤酒,还用啤酒做菜,其中最出名的菜品大概就是弗拉芒炖肉 Flemish stew
Stoofvlees, this Flemish stew literally translates to “stew meat” and that’s a pretty accurate description. This typical Belgian food is made from beef slowly simmered in Belgian beer until it melts in your mouth. The sauce is thickened with a few slabs of bread slathered in mustard, a bit of onion, and some seasoning. Some chefs add other ingredients like mushrooms or garlic, but the traditional recipe focuses on Belgian beer and beef. Good Flemish stew is so much more than the sum of its humble parts. In the right hands, it can be both rich and slightly tart from the beer. It’s the perfect comfort food on a wet winter day, especially as it is invariably served with French fries or mashed potatoes. It warms you from the inside out.弗拉芒炖肉的弗拉芒原文叫 Stoofvlees,这道弗拉芒炖菜的字面含义就是“炖肉”,而且这种描述非常贴切。这道经典的比利时菜式是用牛肉制成的,然后加入比利时啤酒,用文火炖至入口即化的程度。之后再加入几片涂满芥末酱的面包、少许洋葱和调味品,使汤汁变得浓稠。一些厨师会加入其他食材,如蘑菇或大蒜,但传统的做法惯用比利时啤酒和牛肉来做这道菜。美味的佛兰德炖菜里有很多这种不起眼的食材。烹调得当的话,这道菜会很香,而且还略带点啤酒酸涩的味道。在潮湿的冬季,这道菜是安抚心情的绝佳美食了,特别是,人们往往把它与炸薯条或土豆泥一起食用。这道菜会让你感受到由内而外的温暖。
16 正宗的比利时巧克力在哪买?
而如果你时间充足,就可以去逛逛布鲁塞尔的萨布隆地区 Sablon area,那里可以找到更多精品店,比如 Pierre Marcolini、Frederic Blondeel
Chocolate is one of the most famous things made in Belgium. Well, that\'s partly due to the fact that pralines were invented by Jean Neuhaus in Brussels in 1912. It\'s still one of the best chocolate brands around. Belgium produces over 220,000 tonnes of chocolate each year. Brussels International Airport is the world\'s largest chocolate selling point. If you\'d like to have some proper Belgian chocolate, head toward the Sablon area in Brussels. There you\'ll find famous names like Pierre Marcolini. A lesser-known great place is Frederic Blondeel.巧克力是比利时最著名的产品之一。从某种程度上来说,这是因为让·纽豪斯于1912年在布鲁塞尔发明了果仁糖(常用作巧克力的糖芯)。如今诺好事(Neuhaus)依然是最好的巧克力品牌之一。比利时每年生产逾22万吨巧克力。布鲁塞尔国际机场是世界上最大的巧克力销售点。如果您想吃纯正的比利时巧克力,你可以去布鲁塞尔的萨布隆地区。在那里,您会发现像皮埃尔·马可里尼一类响当当的(巧克力)品牌。还有一个鲜为人知的(买巧克力的)好地方是弗雷德里克·布朗德尔。
17 被误解的比利时华夫饼
这种小吃在很多其他国家也很受欢迎,不过普遍都有一个误解,那就是:所谓的比利时华夫饼 Belgian waffle 这个统称并不准确,因为比利时其实有两种华夫饼,我们国内松饼店卖的只是其中的一种。
国内卖的这种叫列日松饼 Liège waffle,这种华夫饼比较结实、有咬头,通常是圆形的,而且松饼本身的甜味比较明显。
比利时的另一种华夫饼是布鲁塞尔松饼 Brussels waffle,这一种更软,不怎么甜,通常是方形的,而且吃的时候会在表面浇上新鲜的浇头,比如冰激凌、巧克力、水果等等。
There is some confusion about the term “Belgian waffles”. In fact, there is no one Belgian waffle, but rather two types of waffles, both originating in Belgium. The Brussels waffle, or gaufre de Bruxelles, is rectangular and flaky. It isn’t as sweet as its rival but is often topped with whipped cream, chocolate, ice-cream or various fruit toppings. The denser Liège waffle has rounded edges and crystallized sugar baked into it, making it slightly sticky and sweeter than the Brussels waffle. This is the kind that\'s sold from hole-in-the-wall places everywhere in the center of Brussels.人们对“比利时华夫饼”一词有些困惑。 实际上,所谓的比利时华夫饼不止一种,而是两种,它们都起源于比利时。布鲁塞尔华夫饼又被称为布鲁塞尔松饼,它是一种长方形的酥饼。布鲁塞尔华夫饼尝起来并不像常见的华夫饼那么甜,但人们通常会在上面点缀上打发的奶油、巧克力、冰淇淋或各种水果馅料。硬一点的列日松饼是圆形的,而且在烘焙的时候会在松饼里加入冰糖,这使它比布鲁塞尔松饼更粘一些,也更甜一点。这类产品在布鲁塞尔市中心各处的小店里都能买到。
18 全球钻石贸易的中心
这倒不是因为比利时本土产钻石,而是因为全球绝大多数的钻石都是在比利时打磨和雕刻的,这个贸易的中心就是比利时的第二大城市——安特卫普 Antwerp
安特卫普的一个地标——中央车站 Central Station。图片来源:图虫创意
Antwerp is the diamond capital of the world. The second city of Belgium often gets overlooked in importance when compared to Brussels, but the city not only boasts a rich history of art and culture besides its importance in world diamond trade. Antwerp has been a major focus of the diamond trade since the 15th century, and today, 84% of the world’s rough diamonds pass through Antwerp to be polished and shaped before hitting the stores.安特卫普是世界钻石之都,也是比利时第二大城市。不过,说到重要性,人们往往更重视布鲁塞尔,而忽视了安特卫普;其实,安特卫普不光是世界钻石贸易的重要枢纽,而且拥有丰富的艺术和文化历史。自15世纪以来,安特卫普一直重视钻石贸易的发展。如今,全球84%的钻石原石都会在安特卫普进行抛光和雕刻,然后再被送去销售。
19 曾经有1年多没有政府,但国家运转正常
541 days. That’s how long it took Belgian politicians to form an official government after the federal elections of June 13, 2010. It earned Belgium a Guinness World Record for going the longest time with no government, smashing the previous record held by Iraq which went government-free for 289 days in 2010. You would think that a country would fall apart in the absence of a central government. Just look at how Americans start panicking when their government shuts down. But not the Belgians who managed just fine with the help of a caretaker government, a well-oiled bureaucracy, and a naughty sense of humour even as their politicians spent a year and a half bickering away.2010年6月13日比利时进行联邦大选后,历时“541天”才完成了政府部门的组建,这使比利时成为无政府管理历时最长的国家,并使其获得了吉尼斯世界纪录,打破了伊拉克先前于2010年创下的记录(289天无政府领导)。你可能会觉得一个国家没有了中央政府,就会分崩离析。就像美国,在其政府倒台后,美国人有多恐慌。但比利时人却不会这样,尽管比利时政客花了一年半的时间唇枪舌战,但其临时政府、成熟的官僚体制以及比利时人调皮的幽默感使他们把一切都处理地妥妥的。
20 纽约是比利时人建立的,当时买地只花了1万块
你可能知道美国纽约的原名叫“新阿姆斯特丹” New Amsterdam,所以很多人以为它是荷兰人建立的。(阿姆斯特丹是荷兰的首都)
New York, the big apple was founded by Belgian, Peter Minuit in 1626. Minuit was appointed an explorer for the Dutch West India Company and went to the Americas in search of tradable goods. Once arriving in the Americas, Minuit was introduced to the local native tribes of the Hudson River area and began interacting with them about the purchasing of the land of Manhattan – today one of New York’s most expensive areas. He purchased the island for the price of 60 guilders – roughly $1,500 in today’s standards.纽约又被称为“大苹果”,它是由比利时人彼得·米努伊特于1626年建立的。米努伊特被任命为荷属西印度公司的考察者,前往美洲物色可买卖的商品。米努伊特一到美洲就被引见给(纽约)哈德逊河周边的土著部落,并开始与他们商谈购买曼哈顿(如今纽约地价最高的地区之一)的地产。他以60荷兰盾的价格买下了曼哈顿岛,按如今的标准来算,大约是1500美元(1万人民币)。
21 为了通过法案,让国王下台36小时又复位
As in many countries throughout the World, the Head of State must sign the bill before it becomes official. It is only a formality which usually does not raise any issues. But when presented with the bill to legalize abortion, King Baudouin told the Prime minister that he did not want to sign the bill on account of his conscience. So on the 4th of April 1990, King Baudouin stepped down for 36 hours to allow the bill on abortion to enter into Belgian law.比利时与世界上的许多国家一样,必须在国家元首签署法案后,法案才会生效。这只是一种形式,通常不会引起任何问题。但是,当鲍杜因国王收到堕胎合法化的法案时,他告诉总理,出于良知,他不想签署该法案。于是,1990年4月4日鲍杜安国王退位了36小时,(由议会代为行使权力)使堕胎法案得以纳入比利时法律。
23 所得税非常高,单身的尤其高
Belgium has some of the highest income and social contribution tax rates in the world. For single people without children, it has the highest income tax rates. Which amount to some 57.8 percent for the highest earners, according to the CGI report, which ranked Belgium’s tax rates as fourth highest in Europe after France (66.6 percent), Italy and Spain. Belgium’s tax revenue is among the highest in Europe representing around 48 percent of the country’s GDP.比利时的某些所得税税率和社会贡献税税率是全球最高的。其中,没有孩子的单身人士的所得税税率是最高的。据CGI(一家IT及商业咨询服务公司)报道,比利时最高收入者的所得税税率约为57.8%,在欧洲排名第四,仅次于法国(66.6%)、意大利和西班牙。比利时是欧洲税收收入最高的国家之一,其税收收入约占全国GDP的48%。
24 离婚率领先欧洲
The Belgian divorce rate is among the highest in Western Europe. Around two-thirds of all marriages in Belgium are between first-time couples, while in the remaining third at least one person has been divorced.比利时的离婚率跻身西欧最高行列。比利时约三分之二的夫妇是初婚,而其余三分之一的夫妇中,至少有一方离过婚。
25 全球译本第二多的书籍
除了《圣经》以外,世界上译本最多的书籍是比例是作家乔治·西默农的《梅格雷探长》Inspector Maigret
26 比利时的教育和投票都是强制的
Another interesting fact about Belgium is that it\'s one of the rare countries where education is compulsory until you\'re 18 years old. And Belgium is one of the few countries in the world with compulsory voting.关于比利时的另一个有趣的事实是,比利时是为数不多的几个要求公民在18岁之前必须接受教育的国家之一,而且它还是全球少数几个实行强制性投票制度的国家之一。
27 全球最小的城市
全球最小的“城市”就是比利时的迪尔比 Durbuy
Durbuy dubs itself the smallest city in the world. Although it now has less than 500 inhabitants, it was granted the rank of city in medieval times, which it hasn\'t lost since then.迪尔比是世界上最小的城市。尽管它现在只有不到500名居民,但它在中世纪就被划为城市,此后从未丢过城市的身份。
28 比利时人吃兔兔
比利时的兔肉料理是一道带有甜味的菜肴——梅干兔肉 rabbits with prunes
图片来源:simplyrecipes.com@Elise Bauer
Rabbit with prunes used to be a “humble people dish” but in recent years it\'s been picked up by chefs around the country and presented in more refined ways. The classic version of this Belgian dish combines rabbit with prunes to add sweetness and some croquettes on the side.梅干兔肉曾是一道“大众菜”,但近年来,全国各地的大厨们都开始学做这道菜,并把它做得越来越精致。这道比利时菜的经典做法是在烹饪兔肉的时候加入梅干,增加其甜度,还可以在边上配点炸丸子。
29 比利时人生吃牛肉
但是,鞑靼牛排 steak tartare 可不一样,它是用纯生的碎牛肉加上剁碎的蔬菜和香料制成的,比利时人就喜欢吃这样一道菜。
Not everyone\'s a fan of steak tartare. This typical Belgian food consists of raw beef mixed with onions, mayonnaise, Tabasco, egg yolk, capers, salt and a bunch of other things. Restaurants that take pride in their steak tartare will prepare it right at your table, showing you all the ingredients that go into it. As often in Belgium, this dish is mostly served with fries. 并不是所有人都喜欢鞑靼牛排。这道经典的比利时菜式是用生牛肉、洋葱、蛋黄酱、塔巴斯科辣椒酱、蛋黄、刺山柑、盐和其他食材做成的。以自制鞑靼牛排为荣的餐厅会在你的餐桌上直接烹饪这道菜,向你展示用到的所有食材。在比利时,这道菜往往会与炸薯条一同享用。值得一提的还有马蒂诺三明治 Martino sandwich
Martino sandwich can be seen as the less pricey and on-the-go version of the steak tartare. It\'s a baguette with a spread of “Américain”, a form of steak tartare but as a sandwich spread, with spices, pickles, onions, and ketchup.马蒂诺三明治可以看成是实惠便捷版的鞑靼牛排。这是一种加了料的法棍面包,也是鞑靼牛排的一种,其中,三明治中夹有调味料、酸黄瓜、洋葱和番茄酱。
30 超级爱芦笋,还有芦笋冰激凌
比利时人真的超爱吃芦笋 asparagus,特别是应季的新鲜芦笋。
其中最经典的吃法是弗拉芒式芦笋 Flemish asparagus,他们会把芦笋煮熟后再抹上黄油烤,然后再放上调味的鸡蛋绒。
While there are many ways to prepare asparagus, Flemish-style is the classic way to have them. Boiled, then baked in a butter sauce and covered with hard-boiled pieces of egg, they make for a rich vegetable dish to combine with meat and croquettes. Or, why not, fries.尽管芦笋的做法有很多种,但弗拉芒式做法比较经典。把芦笋煮熟,然后抹上黄油酱烤一下,再放上煮熟的鸡蛋即可制成。再搭配上肉和炸丸子就做成了一道丰盛的菜。当然,你也可以配上炸薯条享用。
31 另一个超爱的蔬菜:抱子甘蓝
这种和草莓一样大的小包菜在国内越来越常见了,中文里叫它抱子甘蓝,而英文则是叫 Brussels sprouts,直译过来就是“布鲁塞尔芽菜”。
Brussels sprouts have been grown in Belgium for over 400 years. The leaf vegetables are typically 1.5–4.0 cm in diameter and look like miniature cabbages. The Brussels sprout has long been popular in Brussels, Belgium, and may have gained its name there.比利时种植抱子甘蓝已有400多年。这种叶类蔬菜的直径通常为1.5–4.0厘米,看起来就像小型甘蓝。长期以来,抱子甘蓝在比利时布鲁塞尔地区很受欢迎,或许因此而得名。
32 宇宙大爆炸理论是一位比利时神父创立的
创立“大爆炸”理论的是就是一名比利时神父——乔治·勒迈特 Georges Lemaître
It was at Leuven University in 1927, that the work for the “Big Bang” theory would begin. He gained acclaim upon publishing a report which stipulated a new idea of an expanding universe, derived from General Relativity; it provided the first observational estimation of the Hubble constant. In January 1933, Lemaître and Einstein travelled together to attend a series of seminars in California. After Lemaître detailed his theory, Einstein stood up, applauded, and is supposed to have said, “This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened.”1927年勒迈特在鲁汶大学开始了“大爆炸”理论的研究。他因发表了一份关于宇宙膨胀新理念的报告而广受赞誉,而他的理念源于广义相对论,他还对哈勃常数进行了首次观测估算。1933年1月勒迈特和爱因斯坦一同前往加利福尼亚参加了一系列研讨会。在勒迈特详述了他的理论后,爱因斯坦还站起来为他鼓掌。据说爱因斯坦表示:“这是我听过的理论创新中最出色、最令人满意的阐述。”
33 广岛原子弹的铀是比利时提供的
这倒不是因为比利时本土有铀矿,这些铀来自非洲的刚果 Congo,刚果当时是比利时的殖民地。
Belgium supplied the Americans with the uranium that was used for the atom bomb they threw on Hiroshima. It came from Congo, at that time a colony of Belgium.比利时为美国供应过铀,这是投向广岛的原子弹的原料之一。铀来自刚果,当时刚果是比利时的殖民地。
34 全球最长的有轨电车线路
The Belgian coastal tram is the longest tram line in the world, being 68 km long. It opened in 1885 and operates between De Panne and Knokke-Heist, which is from the French border to the Dutch border.比利时沿海电车是世界上最长的一条有轨电车线路,长达68公里。它于1885年开放,在德潘尼和诺克海斯特之间运行,连接了法国和荷兰的边界地区。
35 全球第二准时的机场
全球最准时的机场是日本的大阪国际机场 Osaka International Airport
第二准时的就是比利时的布鲁塞尔南沙勒罗瓦机场 Brussels South Charleroi Airport
Brussels South Charleroi Airport is the most punctual airport in Europe. It is ranked as the world’s second best airport for on-time performance, just behind Japan’s Osaka International, in OAG’s punctuality report.布鲁塞尔南沙勒罗瓦机场是欧洲最准时的机场。在官方航线指南发布的准时率报告中,该机场的准点率在全球排名第二,仅次于日本的大阪国际机场。
36 艺术收藏家密度全球最高
Belgian painters are credited to have invented oil painting in the 15th century. It\'s unsure who exactly the inventor was, but scientists presume it was Jan van Eyck. And now Belgium has the highest density of art collectors of any country.15世纪油画问世,比利时画家功不可没。虽然还不确定到底是谁发明了油画,但科学家认为这个人是扬·范·埃克。如今,在全球范围内,比利时的艺术品收藏家密度最大。
37 历史名人的逃亡胜地
卡尔·马克思Karl Marx 当年因为共产主义思想被德法两国驱逐,然后就移居到了布鲁塞尔,他就是在这里和恩格斯一起写下了众多高考文综考题。
Karl Marx was forced to migrate to the Belgian capital in 1845 after being expelled from both Germany and France because of the political ideology he was spreading. From Belgium, he wrote together with Friedrich Engels, his most famous book, the Communist Manifesto. 卡尔·马克思因其传播的政治意识形态而被德国和法国驱逐出境,他于1845年被迫移居比利时首都。马克思在比利时与弗里德里希·恩格斯一起撰写了他最著名的作品《共产党宣言》。之后《悲惨世界》的作者维克多·雨果 Victor Hugo 同样因为政见的关系离开了法国,比马克思晚6年来到布鲁塞尔。
The author of Les Misérables, Victor Hugo also made Belgium his home. Hugo was not expelled from France, but as a defender of democracy, social justice and the abolition of the death penalty, he was a very serious opponent of Napoleon III. That’s why he escaped from France and came to Brussels in 1851, where he stayed seven months at Grand Place. He then returned to Brussels in 1861 to write Les Misérables. 《悲惨世界》的作者维克多·雨果也在比利时安了家。雨果并未被驱逐出法国,但作为民主、社会正义和废除死刑的捍卫者,他强烈反对拿破仑(执政),因此他逃离了法国并于1851年来到了布鲁塞尔,并在布鲁塞尔大广场住了七个月。之后他于1861年回到了布鲁塞尔,并创作了《悲惨世界》。而《基督山伯爵》的作者大仲马 Alexandre Dumas 则是因为债务问题逃到了布鲁塞尔(虽然他当时自称是因为政见问题),他和雨果是好友,两人是在同一年来的。
Alexandre Dumas, the author of major works like The Count of Monte Cristo, was another famous author who lived in Brussels. Dumas moved to Brussels in 1851, the same year as his friend, Victor Hugo. Although he pretended he was forced to migrate for political reasons, the truth is he was facing prison in France because of debts, had no other option. Dumas lived in Boulevard de Waterloo for two years before reaching an agreement with his lenders and returning to Paris in 1853. 亚历山大·杜马斯是另一位在布鲁塞尔生活过的著名作家,他创作了《基督山伯爵》等经典著作。1851年杜马斯移居布鲁塞尔,而他的朋友维克多·雨果也于同一年移居布鲁塞尔。尽管杜马斯假装自己是出于政治原因而被迫移民,但事实上,他在法国因债务而面临牢狱之灾,其实是别无选择。杜马斯在滑铁卢大道住了两年,之后他与债权人达成协议,于1853年返回巴黎。爱因斯坦 Einstein 年轻时就曾在比利时居住,后来希特勒上台迫害犹太人,爱因斯坦的家受到了极大的冲击,他又在比利时受到了王室的庇护。
Probably the most influential man of the 20th century: Albert Einstein. Einstein, who was the mind behind major scientific discoveries, lived in Belgium on and off between 1902 and 1933. His last trip to Belgium was of the most significance. In 1933, Adolph Hitler was elected German Chancellor. While the Jews suffered from the first discriminatory measures, Albert Einstein, who was living in California, decided not to come back to Germany. He headed to Belgium, and stayed in Le Coq for six months with his wife, before going back to the USA indefinitely.20世纪最有影响力的人可能就是阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦了。爱因斯坦提出了许多重大科学发现,在1902年至1933年间,爱因斯坦偶尔在比利时居住。他的最后一次比利时之行最为重要。1933年阿道夫·希特勒当选德国总理。当犹太人第一次遭到歧视性对待时,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦决定不回德国了,当时他住在加利福尼亚。后来,他前往比利时,与妻子一起在勒高克住了六个月,然后从此移居美国。
38 口味多样的肉丸子
Meatballs are a Belgian favorite, on both sides of the language divide, and are usually a mixture of beef and pork. In Flanders, “balls” are often served smothered in tomato sauce, or, sometimes, Frikadellen-style; fried in butter with Belgian cherry sauce. South of Brussels, boulets Liégeois are the rage. These meatballs are served with a rich sauce of beef stock, spices, and sirop de Liege, a fruit syrup a bit like molasses, made from apples and pears.肉丸是比利时人的最爱,甚至都跨越了语言的鸿沟,它通常是用牛肉和猪肉做成的。在法兰德斯,人们通常用番茄酱焖“肉丸”,有时候还会把它做成弗里卡德伦风味的,也就是用黄油煎熟,再加点比利时樱桃酱。在布鲁塞尔以南地区,列日肉丸风靡一时。在肉丸上淋上浓稠的牛肉汤汁,然后再加点香料和列日糖浆就做成了。这种列日糖浆是用苹果和梨制成的水果糖浆,有点像糖蜜。
39 除了肉丸,虾丸也很出名
The tiny North Sea grey shrimps are ubiquitous in Belgium. If you dine at one of the many seafood restaurants in the Sainte-Catherine neighborhood in Brussels, chances are you’ll be presented with a small bowl of these crunchy crustaceans to snack on. The best way to eat grey shrimps is in a shrimp croquette. While there are plenty of bland, frozen, and refried versions served around Brussels, croquettes made from scratch are a revelation. The outside should be a thin, delicately crispy crust. When you break through, the creamy shrimp mixture should be molten and oozing. They make a perfect starter or snack.北海小灰虾在比利时无处不在。如果你在布鲁塞尔周边的圣凯瑟琳附近的海鲜餐厅中用餐,那么店家很可能会给你来一小碗这种酥脆的甲壳类动物,让你当零食吃。灰虾最好的做法就是做成虾丸。尽管布鲁塞尔周边还有很多清淡、冷冻或油炸的做法,但一开始就把它做成炸丸子会令人耳目一新。它的外面应该包着一层薄薄的脆皮。当你咬开它的时候,里面带有奶油质感的虾肉馅会融化并渗出。把它作为开胃菜或点心是极好的。
40 肉馅大酥饼
肉馅大酥饼 Vol-au-vent 也是比利时的常见美食。
Vol-au-vent consists of a round puff pastry of which the “lid” is cut off so that the pastry can be filled with a mixture of chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce. It\'s usually served with fries, croquettes or mashed potatoes. Originally, the name “vol-au-vent” refers to the pastry and you can also find it in France as a snack or appetizer. Vol-au-vent as a massive main dish, though, is a typical Belgian food.肉馅大酥饼是一种圆形的酥皮糕点,把它切开,然后加入用奶油质感的酱汁拌过的鸡肉和蘑菇就做成了。它通常与薯条、炸丸子或土豆泥一起食用。最初,“vol-au-vent”指的是法国的一种油酥糕点,人们通常把它作为小吃或开胃菜。不过,在比利时美食中,酥皮馅饼是一种常见的主食。
41 月球上唯一的人造艺术品来自比利时
这件艺术品叫“陨落的宇航员” The Fallen Astronaut
Despite the scientific nature of much of what’s there, the moon actually holds one piece of art: a small statue named “The Fallen Astronaut” by Belgian artists Paul Van Hoeydonck. A small stylized figure meant to depict an astronaut in a spacesuit is on the moon along with a placard of names of astronauts and cosmonauts who have died in the advancement of space exploration. The statute is meant to serve as a commemoration and was installed at a section of the moon named Hadley Rille on the 1st of August 1971 by spacecraft commander aboard the Apollo 15, David Scott, on his third spaceflight and first time on the moon.尽管月球上大部分的物质都是科学造化,但月球上确实有一件人类的艺术作品:那是一座名为“陨落的宇航员”的小雕像,它是由比利时艺术家保罗·范·霍伊顿克创作的。这是一个非写实的小雕像,它刻画了月球上的一位穿着太空服的宇航员和一块标语牌,牌子上写着在太空探索中牺牲的宇航员的名字。这是一个纪念雕像,它是由阿波罗15号航天器指挥官戴维·斯科特于1971年8月1日安置在月球哈德利里尔地区的。这是斯科特参与的第三次航天飞行,也是他首次登上月球。
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